The best fish feed that saves you money and has the best FCR. 100% guarantied fast growth and increased weight gain.

As a catfish farmer what do you look out for in a fish feed? What brand catches your fancy?

This is a no-brainer question; because many fish farmers would say cheap feed, along with the names of various feed companies.
Yes, they are right. Feed cost  should ideally  be the first thing a catfish farmer should give thought to, pre and post harvest.

The general rule of thumb in fish farming is; garbage in and garbage out. And I mean this literally, because of the fish feed you use for your fish, would determine your success or loss. Along with proper water management, and right stocking density.

In other words, what you feed your fish is what they would give back you in weight gain, and what you get is what you give.

When a catfish farmer says, "what I just need in a fish feed is any brand that is cheap” I understand, it is ok to save cost, after all the aim of a fish farming business is to cut losses and increased profit. Right! 

But should cost of a fish feed be the main determine factor when a catfish farmer is choosing a feed brand during his cultivation stage? And does it matter the kind of fish feed a catfish farmer uses to feed his fish?

When it comes to catfish farming, one problem that cuts across fish farmers globally is how fish farmers can spend less on feeds, and yet, still get a good covertion of feed to; weight gain, and more flesh yield, and ultimately faster growth.

The catfish farming business is all about strategy and strategizing on new ways to always consistently match supply with the demand for catfish. To do that efficiently, your strategy must start with a business plan and end with healthy fish at harvest. Your business plan should cover all the basis of your production, from fish sourcing, pond construction, feed brand to be used, range of feeds to be used I.e. 2 mm, 2.5 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 4.5 mm e.t.c, and lastly the cost of purchasing these feeds.

It is believed that 70% of the expenditure made during a fish farming cycle, is spent on feed purchase alone, while all other expenses take up the rest 30%. What does that say to us?

That Fish feed and our feeding regime, play a crucial role in determining how large our harvest and/or profit will be.

Given the range of products available and the numerous feed brands in the market, what feed brand is the best and beats all others hands down? What feed has quality that assures fast growth, good weight gain, good feed conversion and is affordable?

Aller Aqua is the best feed for catfish

Yes, you guiseed it right; the winner is Aller Aqua feed. 

Aller Aqua is a feed brand that combines good FCR, fast growth, increased flesh yield, and a high survival rate, with affordable prices.

Aller aqua is a global brand and a leader in the latest advancements and technologies in animal feed manufacturing. Aller Aqua is the third largest fish feed manufacturing company in the world, and they have research centers in different farms scattered across Africa. 

This is a feed brand that knows what the farmer needs more which is to save cost, hence their FCR are designed in such a way that you feed less and get more in weight gain. With a FCR of 0.9.

About Aller Aqua

Aller Aqua produce fish feed for freshwater and saltwater aquaculture purposes. Aller Aqua has been producing fish feed for more than 50 years, and this makes them one of the Worlds most experienced fish feed manufacturer. 

Aller aqua has a wide reach and all across the globe, Aller Aqua is always delivering the best products in the market, to her customers.
Today Aller Aqua has factories in Denmark, Poland, Germany, Egypt, China, Zambia and Serbia, and they export their products to more than 60 countries worldwide. 
Aller Aqua has a broad and professional product range, consisting of feed for 30 different fish species.

Aller Aqua feed has the best FCR of 0.9

They know the importance the right feed plays in fish farming productions, and therefore their research center in Germany, the Aller Aqua Research center, is consistently working hard on optimizing, developing and documenting the effect of their products on health, and the environment.
How is Aller Aqua feed produced?

Fish feeds made by Aller Aqua are the result of comprehensive feed testing and evaluation to give you the customer the best quality. 
Their catfish feed development follows a standardized process that, takes advantage of their state-of-the-art research facilities, technology and equipment with customer’s success in focus.

Aller Aqua catfish feed contains various quality raw materials of diverse origin. The Raw materials used in making their feeds are tested in feeding trials for nutrient digestibility as well as its effects on fish growth and health.

High survival rate and Optimum growth are at the very core of every type of feed that they develop and produce at Aller Aqua.

Optimum growth is also the main aim of Aller Aqua, that is why they are offering a wide selection of feeds which is not only adjusted to the specific species, but also to environment and temperature.

In Aller Aqua range of products, you can find the exact feed which will achieve optimum growth for your farm. Aller Aqua's product range is one of the World's most versatile and cost effective.

5 facts about Aller Aqua

According to Aller Aqua, they do not consider growth the defining parameter when speaking of  “optimum growth.” 
Optimum growth to Aller Aqua; is for them, about finding the right balance between growth and feed price to ensure that the fish farmer, has the best business opportunity.

Optimum growth is about growing your business.

What is the FCR of Aller Aqua Feeds?

Do you know that Fishes are actually the most efficient animal in the planet to produce? Yes, this is true, because their feed conversion ratio (FCR) is very low. 

Then that leaves the big question; what is FCR?

FCR is the short form for feed conversion ratio, and it is the amount of feed a fish needs to eat to gain one kilogram of bodyweight.

In simple terms, if a feed has a FCR of 1; then a fish would need to eat 1 kg of such feed to gain 1 kg of weight. 

But Aller Aqua has, so developed their feed in such a way that a farmer feed less and gets more in weight gain. 

What do I mean by these? 

The FCR of Aller Aqua feed is 0.9 which means, you only feed your fish 900grams of feed and you get 1 kg in weight gain. This is wonderful news for all fish farmers because here comes a feed brand that strikes the balance between cost and quality.

Where else can you get a combination of quality and cost effectiveness? No where else but with Aller Aqua feeds.

Quick facts about Aller Aqua

What are the types of feed that Aller Aqua produces?

Hatchery parks or Aller Infa Ex (6 kg buckets):
0.1 mm
0.3 mm
0.4 mm

Aller Futura Ex (6 kg buckets):
0.5 mm
0.6 mm
0.7 mm
0.8 mm
0.9 mm
1.3 mm

Claria float Grower feeds (15 kg bags):
2 mm
3 mm
4.5 mm
6 mm
8 mm

All these products have an excellent FCR and a good crude protein content that ensures fast growth, excellent flesh yield and optimum weight gain.

Aller Aqua is by far the best feed brand in the market, when it comes to catfish feeds. With feeds for the different stage of catfish farming; from hatchery packs for fries and post freys, to grower and finisher feeds. 

Aller Aqua is good for you, Aller Aqua is good for your pocket, and Aller Aqua is good for your fish.

When purchasing your next fish feed buy Aller Aqua. You will be happy that you did!

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