Catfish hatching and propagation page

Good and healthy catfish seeds are very critical for any aquaculture venture that intends to successed in the industry. When it comes to catfish farming the demand for good fish seeds must be properly matched with supply hence it becomes imperative for hatchery operators to devise various means to successfully propagate catfish clarias garinpenus for mass consumption. What I am a trying to say is that a lot. needs to be done in the area of catfish propagation so that they can be a stead supply of fingerlings for grow out farmers to stock their ponds with.

At Solutions4Success, we have a team of hatchery operators that have sound knowledge and experience in field practice. Our methodology is to prevent deases before there occur. We believe in prophylactic treatments rather than dealing with an infectious outbreak, we always treat groundwater properly to regulate the pH and hardness of the water to a suitable level that supports the growth and development of the clarias garinpenus. Prophylactic treatments and the right feeding regime that prevents waste but promote growth and development, together with right water pH and hardness, are the secret ingredient of any successful hatchery today.

At Solutions4Success, we put passion into all that we do, and we try to get it right from the beginning, that is why our method of catfish propagation will never become the success story it is today if we had not paid close attention to brood stock selection. We make sure that for all our production, we select the right parent stock starting with a good female brood stocks with the perfect weight and physic but that is also well fecund. Then we move on to procure a male of the right age and size, which we will obtain a matured milt sack from. Once we have procured suitable parent stocks we then fertilize the seeds at an appropriate temperature that promotes quick hatching with an 70-80% hatching rate, and we do this by stimulating temperature conditions.

We are a complete solution provider in the aquaculture industry in Nigeria. This is because we are well-rounded in the aquaculture operations and practices. Knowledge is power and being equipped with the right knowledge is to be empowered for success. As a business entity in the catfish farming industry in Nigeria, Solutions4Success prides itself as a credible source in the aquaculture industry. 

Don't just take our word for it, give us a try today, let us help you hatch your next fish.

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