
4 Benefits of eating catfish.

4 Benefits of eating catfish. what kind of food did you eat today? As human beings we require food to stay alive, and for our bodies to function properly. The food we eat does more than just keeping us alive. The food we eat through the process of digestion, supplies our bodies with all the nutrients it needs for all its metabolic functions and activity. What kind of food do you eat? Do you eat the right kind of food that is good for your body or do you just eat to stay alive? I know the answer to these questions are not clear cut; it is a little to the left, and a little to the right. Regardless of what anyone might say, if you want to eat, you should eat a health diet. Seafood are among the most healthiest food on the planet, and by seafood I mean fish. Fish contributes significantly to the health and nutrition of families all over the world. Why is fish healthy and good for all? Fish is a prominent source of omega 3 fatty acids that help in the development, and proper functioning of

Make Money From Aquaculture And Catfish Farming Now.

Make Money From Aquaculture And Catfish Farming Now. How to make money from fish farming aquaculture This article lays down the essential elements of fish farming  aquaculture , and at the end, key steps are outlined on how to set up a fish farm for the purposes of making money.  aquaculture  is a complex field of science. One that has existed since time inmemoria.  aquaculture  as it were, encompases various fields of sturdy within the scientific school, and as such, practitioners are expected to posses basic knowledge of laws that guide certain processes in chemistry, physics and biology.  In this article you are going to learn about: 1. What fish farming  aquaculture  is all about. 2. What fish specie performs best in aquaculture 3. Common species of catfish found in Nigeria 4. Why is catfish a good fish to culture. 5. Why you hould Invest in catfish aquaculture now 6. The health benefit of catfish 7.  The processes involved in setting up a fish farm 8. How to write a business plan

Common fish diseases and their cure: how to detect fish diseases before it hits you hard.

antibiotics and antibacterial drugs are important in a fish farm On our journey to achieving success in our fish farm, we find that sometimes farmers record huge loses as a result of disease outbreak in fish farms. Fish farming, like all other animal husbandry face challenges caused by various diseases causing parasites and bacteria. While it is hard to remedy such outbreak, the best practice in aquaculture is to prevent diseases before they occur. In other words, prevention is better than cure. Many factors can affect the health of a fish and these factors varies, One thing that all fish farmers alike must all know and come to understand, is that fishes in the water never live apart from bacteria and parasites, infact they all live together in the same environment. Some bacteria in aquaculture are labeled opportunistic; and this is because under normal circumstances, these bacterial live in the same environment as the fishes and interact with them without any harm to the fish. Tur